Wednesday 17 January 2018

Finding my feet

Week 2 and I am starting to get into the swing of things a little more.

I caught the Metro on my own for the first time yesterday and only got slightly lost. Getting around is a lot more difficult when your sense of direction is terrible and level of Spanish is just as bad. But I managed to get there in the end!

Classes and planning have been pretty good, although I had a pretty tough crowd of  tired 12 year olds this morning. Luckily I managed to inject a bit of energy into the little guys morning with some fun activities and by the end of the lesson everyone left with smiles on their faces. It was a bit of an uphill struggle but the lesson aims were achieved and we had some fun.

One of the English teachers in the school runs the school choir which I thought would be good to get involved with, so I will go and check it out tomorrow at break time.

It has been a beautiful day today so we went to see the market after class. Endless amounts of local produce such as fruit, ham, cheese, vegetables and fresh fish were on display. They even had snails! I did not like the look of those but apparently they are a typical dish here in Valencia!

Feeling a little sad that the end of this experience is coming ever closer but I am trying to squeeze as much experience out of my stay here as I possibly can.

I don't want it to end!! :(


1 comment:

Luke's Blog: Número cuatro

Hello, I've finally arrived home after a very eventful, challenging but ultimately successful month in La Coruña this will be my last ...