Friday 19 January 2018

Friday of week 2. Tired, so very tired..

So this will be a quickie, because I need my bed! Don't know where the other guys get the energy for such exciting blogs!
This week was fun, getting into the swing of things and learning some student names, which really helps. The weather has been better, so I'm coping with having no heat in my room.
I'm teaching lots of different classes, but the stand outs are:

P6A: What an adorable bunch. We've done silly miming games for giving imperative commands with adverbs (read a book sadly, stand up badly, hilarious!). And I've been teaching them an English song, the Tallis Canon. Spanish kids don't sing!!

S2A&B: The Voice. We've been learning about anatomy of the vocal apparatus. Yes, in English..! I've really had to engage my brain to figure out how to teach the text book content - too difficult, very boring, frequently inaccurate - and keep a big class of 13 year olds on side. The answer? Quizlet games and lots of lollipops. Spanish kids love lollipops!

Bach 1: 6th Form English, so they will be really good right? Wrong. Some barely at B2 standard, the bilingual programme at the school being still quite new (3 years). A lesson spent doing oral assessment practice for pairs of students doing role-plays. Each pair had to present a 2 minute dialogue on the topic of Romantic Stereotypes. I nearly wet my pants listening to them!

And a fabulous lunchtime today with Rabiya and Luke, at the beachfront cafe in town. So sunny, proper Spanish sunshine at last, hooray!!!

A Coruna beach. 

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