Sunday 14 January 2018

Nobody is a stranger in A Coruña

A Coruña has a saying: "A Coruña, a cidade onde ninguén é forasteiro": "Nobody is a stranger in A Coruña" and I can certainly say I agree.

A week in and so far so good. I know that the next few weeks are going to be amazing. After sorting out a few kinks here and there (mainly the lack of tea) I feel like I've settled in well.

Calasanz (my school) is at the top of a hill, which as well as providing a morning workout, provides the most beautiful morning sunrise view. So all in all definitely worth the trek. The school environment is fantastic and everybody, teachers and students, have been friendly and incredibly welcoming. The lessons I've had this week have been great. The students have been responsive, engaged and seem to really enjoy being there. Having received positive feedback from a few teachers I think all is going well for both sides.

Knowing that there's such an amazing support network for when you need it definitely helps me relax and not become too overwhelmed, and I have to admit that working with Chloe, Dan and Cam makes everything seem a little less daunting and certainly very interesting. Everyday there's a new story to tell and a bit of a laugh to be had so I can't wait to see what the next three weeks bring.

Ciao for now.

P.S. Sorry for the lack of pictures but I spent fifteen minutes trying to upload them and then gave up. Hopefully I'll do better next week.

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