Sunday 14 January 2018

Palmtrees and lesson plans.

Valencia, Spain.
Day 1, Lesson 1. 

Andrew's words echo in my head "You'll be lucky if you get a tiny piece of chalk." he claimed in that brilliant accent of his. It is exactly 8:01 when my tutor realises there is no chalk and leaves the room to get some. It brings back childhood memories of my mother leaving me alone queuing at the till. Penniless.  Unsure that she would ever come back and pay before getting angry looks from other customers waiting. 

Rather than angry, the looks I get are intrigued. Some kids are busy slapping each other, the others are interrogating me in Spanish. I compose my best puzzled face (as if I was asked a physics question) and they quickly try to ask me stuff in English. "How tall are you?" "What's your name?" "Did your piercing hurt?" "Can you touch the ceiling?" I get a round of applause for doing it and I know then we're off to a good start. 

An unexpected challenge: trying to focus on a lesson plan surrounded by these tall friends. 

Team-bonding at its peak, we even skype each other in the evening (Mateusz here)

Blague à part, it's nice to share with each other about our different schools and tutors. We all agree that kids are fairly loud. Probably earning a 7 on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being silence, and 10 being ACDC live) and they are used to talk during class.. and just like that, classroom management duties begin and I did find it a challenge with about 30 students in the class. Settling in well though and feeling comfortable after a week. 

I'd like to thank Reea for setting up a lovely evening for Tomos' birthday on Tuesday. We had a nice meal in Ruzafa (where the cool cats seem to hang out - see picture above) and went to a jam night where the band played "Happy birthday" to our lemon-loving Welshman. 

Penblwydd hapus Tomos!

Haroun 😀

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